=mc operates simple cancellation terms once you’ve made a confirmed booking.
If you have added The Institute of Leadership certification to your booking, please note that the £65+VAT fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. This is because it is a direct charge from The Institute. By requesting certification via your course booking form you are committing to the cost regardless of whether you later cancel your place. We pay The Institute upon your registration with them, not the completion of the training. This means we are unable to offer a refund on the cost of the Institute registration at any point after it has been requested. If you’re unable to attend the programme and send someone else in your place they will need to re-register separately and pay £65+VAT if they wish to receive the certificate.
Invoices must be paid within 28 days of issue, or before the programme start date – whichever falls earliest.
In the event of a cancellation, whether due to illness or other unexpected circumstances, then immediate responsibility lies directly with the paying organisation to handle this according to the cancellation terms outlined above.