…Not quite accurate? Are you struggling to find the joys of spring at work? Feeling a bit flat or stagnant? The last 12 months have been tough, so it is totally understandable that Spring may not yet have Sprung for you.
If so, read on for 4 practical ways to help you put a spring in your step at work this April:
2021 may feel like a distant memory, but maybe you still have tasks hanging around. If you’ve been carrying a task (or tasks) from list to list to list that you never get round to doing, try this:
If it genuinely needs to be done, make time to do it. If it’s a huge task then break it down – give yourself a small chunk that you can tick off.
Ask yourself if the task is still relevant? If it’s been on your list for this long and no major consequences have come from not doing it then it may be time to get rid.
Is the reason you’re putting it off because it actually isn’t your task? Is there someone else who could do it? Should they? Could they do a better job of it? If so, pass it on.
For more tips on productivity, have a look at these to-do list tools.
The changing of a season is a great time to take stock and think about the lay of the land. Using a SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) analysis is both easy to use and hugely effective. This brilliant and simple tool can be used in a myriad of different situations. Last week, (and I kid you not) I used it in both a strategic planning meeting with one of my Directors, and then again at home – working out what to do for a meet up with friends. It will help you analyse a situation, a project or even yourself. If you’re looking for a strategic way to help you make a decision, this is a great starting point.
Some specific examples (with instructions) for different uses are:
Spring is all about growth and development, therefore it may be time to focus on your personal development. Understanding and honing your Emotional Intelligence is vital to success at work, from decision making to building positive relationships, to regaining motivation during times of pressure and change. Thanks to a lot of proven research and a number of years since the concept was introduced, Emotional Intelligence (EI) doesn’t tend to get the eye roll response at work that it used to. But it also doesn’t seem to get the attention it deserves. With many organisations looking at how to implement the latest psychological thinking into their work, from neuroscience to behavioural economics, it’s also worth remembering to develop EI as a way to unleash potential and develop further. Do you really need it? Well unless you’re working completely by yourself and never have to interact with any other humans (even by email) ever… then learning the basics of EI is a fundamental part of a successful life.
There are five key elements in emotional intelligence: Self-awareness, Self-regulation, Motivation, Social Skill and Empathy. If you can learn how to recognise and respond to all five of these, you will be more confident, more resilient and perform even better at work.
This article will tell you everything you need to know about what means what, and how you can become more emotionally intelligent in work situations: Emotional Intelligence at work
Have you been working flat out since New Year? If so, you may not be working in a productive way. If we don’t take breaks, we end up breaking. There are a lot of suggestions online for how often you should take a break in order to reach maximum productivity. The most specific I’ve seen being ‘work for 52 minutes, break for 17.’ But if like most of us, you’re too busy to look into optimum work/break times let’s start with this: you need to take a break.
We all know we’re more effective when we’re not stressed up to the hilt and utterly exhausted… so my final spring tip is to prescribe yourself some outdoor nature time. Even a short walk around the park at lunchtime or after you have finished work for the day will work wonders. With the longer days and warmer weather, get out there!
If you’d like to find out more about how we can help you and your organisations work more effectively and in more productive ways, call 074 3690 3103, or contact us online.