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Performance Management for Managers

Performance Management

Building individual and team performance

This Performance Management training programme is based on =mc’s years of experience of developing performance management systems and working in-house with organisations to help improve managers’ skills and confidence in getting the best from their staff.

All our public training is scheduled when enough demand is there, so please register your interest here, and we'll let you know as soon as a new date is set.
Yes, and also face to face. It's equally suitable for both options. For more information on the differences between online and face to face training, visit our Learning and Development page.
If you have 6 or more people to train it's worth getting in touch to discuss in-house options.

These include:
  • your choice of structure – as well as choosing dates to suit you, you can also decide whether to have the content delivered in full days, half-day sessions or bitesize sessions over separate days.
  • tailoring options – if you're looking to focus on particular elements of the programme, we can look into this.
  • self-directed learning – this enables participants to set learning goals, acquire knowledge and skills, set their own actions and evaluate themselves using a customised web portal which we'll build for you.
In order to make sure your in-house training needs are met, the best way to start this process is with a conversation (for free of course). Contact us online or call 020 7978 1516 to speak to one of our experienced consultants.

The flexible approach will tie into your current performance management system. It’s designed to help you encourage and build on good performance, and to deal effectively with performance challenges. You’ll explore a range of techniques and skills which you can apply straight away. These include analysing and diagnosing performance levels, a structured approach to setting standards, and how to manage challenging conversations. And you’ll have the tools to link performance standards to your organisation’s strategic needs and priorities.

Who is the programme for?

This programme is designed for managers with line management responsibilities who need to manage the performance and build confidence in others, as well as dealing with challenging individuals. It is also useful for managers keen to learn more about managing their own emotions.

Outcomes for you and your organisation

  • manage performance on an individual level using the performance management cycle
  • understand your role and responsibilities, step-by-step approach, benefits and pitfalls, cutting edge approaches
  • know how to measure performance accurately and objectively and link it to appraisals or performance reviews
  • practice structuring performance conversations and develop an appropriate style and skills for success
  • link organisational, team and individual planning to overall mission – integrating people processes
  • manage performance in a time of change introducing new ways of working,

Learning approaches

This is a highly participative programme with time built in for reflection. You’ll have a chance to:

  • try out ideas and practice skills
  • working on individual issues
  • tackle problems in small groups

Participants will also be challenged by some of the latest thinking, which they can use to benchmark themselves and their organisation – and plan their approach for the future.

Contact us
Yvette Gyles

About Yvette Gyles

Yvette specialises in leadership, personal effectiveness, change and innovation. Before joining =mc, she worked in HR for several years in both the private and charity sector as an HR...
