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Personal Effectiveness

The Management Centre

5 Ways to say No

 I find it really hard to say no to colleagues’ requests – never mind my manager – and I feel like I’m drowning at times. Help! Ah, yes – you’re not alone. One of the biggest challenges participants talk about on our management training courses is ‘I just don’t know how to say no.’ Like […]

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Safe space logo

The Safe Space – getting focused

Welcome to the Safe Space – where managers can share their issues and gain advice from top learning & development consultants Here at =mc, we encourage every participant we meet on our programmes to get in touch if they have specific issues they want to follow up on. From this we hear some common problems, […]

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failed resolutions

Failed resolutions? Here’s how to break the habit.

I’m a resolution failure. It is highly likely you have already broken your new years resolution, along with almost everyone else. And it seems to me (admittedly from chats and straw polls, this isn’t science) that almost every year resolutions tend to be about mind, body, and not drinking the good stuff. Maybe because we make these promises […]

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The Management Centre

Need an energy boost? Check your batteries

Coming back to work after a Summer break can be hard. And whether or not you’ve been away, the effects of the days getting shorter and nights getting longer can leave you feeling drained. Do you feel like you aren’t working at full power? Then take these two steps to boost your energy… 1. Get […]

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Three ducklings in grass

4 Ways to put a Spring in your Step at work

Winter is finally over. The days are getting longer. The trees are blossoming, bulbs are flowering and all around us birds sing hallelujah. …Not quite accurate? Are you struggling to find the joys of spring at work? Feeling a bit flat or stagnant? The last 12 months have been tough, so it is totally understandable […]

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Safe space logo

Safe Space #10 – the never ending To Do list

Welcome to the Safe Space – where managers can share their issues, and gain advice from top learning & development consultants. Here at =mc we encourage every participant we meet on our programmes to get in touch if they have specific issues they want to follow up on. From this we hear some common problems, […]

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Safe space logo

Safe Space #5 – I don’t love my job anymore

Welcome to the Safe Space – where managers can share their issues, and gain advice from top learning & development consultants. Here at =mc we encourage every participant we meet on our programmes to get in touch if they have specific issues they want to follow up on. From this we hear some common problems, […]

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blank faced mannequin

Help! I need to have a difficult conversation and I’m worried about a bad reaction.

As we look back at 2020, we have had to handle some tough situations over the last year. A pandemic will do that to you. No doubt lots of managers in charities and not-for-profit organisations have had to have some tricky conversations in recent months, and for some managers there are more to come. Getting […]

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Safe space logo

The Safe Space #4 – living with ambiguity

Welcome to the Safe Space – where managers can share their issues and gain advice from top learning & development consultants. Here at =mc we encourage every participant we meet on our programmes to get in touch if they have specific issues they want to follow up on. From this we hear some common problems, […]

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Management for softies

Why are some work conversations so uncomfortable?

We all know that effective communication is crucial at work. When conversations are easy and free flowing, we work easily with others, solve problems and have fun. But some conversations are less straight-forward. These conversations can make us uncomfortable and put us on edge. They make us worry about what the other person really thinks […]

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The Management Centre

Problems with Presenting? Get a grip!

In this blog, =mc Assistant Director and L&D consultant Yvette Gyles shares three top tips for giving memorable, impactful presentations that you can enjoy, rather than dread

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To-do list

Leave me alone! How do I know I’m making progress when my to-do list just won’t go away?

Whether you are a fan of the ‘to-do’ notepad, post-it piles, scrap paper, a bullet journal, or =mc’s Action Sheets – sometimes even looking at the number of things that need to be done can be utterly overwhelming. And make you hate the list that itself seems to be nagging at you. When you’re up […]

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Use your brain and manage your time

It is a truth universally acknowledged (or very widely, anyway) that good time management and prioritising our activities are key to helping achieve high pay-off results. It’s also true that too often it can be difficult to focus and stay on track – especially when things are really busy. At that point it’s all too […]

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what type of procrastinator are you

What type of procrastinator are you?

We all procrastinate on occasion. But do you ever miss a deadline because you put things off for just a bit too long? Or delay starting on something and then have to rush to get it done, compromising on quality? Or miss an opportunity because you didn’t act earlier? If any of this sounds like […]

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Evolve Housing and Support Case Study

Case study: Continuous development and managing talent at Evolve Housing + Support

(previously South London YMCA) provides a range of supported housing services for 545 homeless people Croydon, Bromley, Lambeth and Kensington & Chelsea. Over the last five years, they’ve transformed most of their properties through a £25m redevelopment programme, so that those living in them have a better chance to turn their lives around and live […]

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Motivational message on a post-it note saying "great work"

Being productive – 5 ways of staying on track

Dealing with a seemingly never ending to-do list and constant interruptions can seem overwhelming at times – read on to discover ways of thriving in a busy environment with this blog by Yvette Gyles, Director at =mc:   Staying productive is tricky. We all have moments in our day when our energy dips, or when […]

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Make an impact

Developing personal presence

Whether you call it a presentation or a pitch, being able to stand up and convince a number of people at the same time to support you is a key skill for anyone keen to display presence. This article explores the key dimensions of presence – what it is and how to perfect it. We […]

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Housing and Care 21

Case study: Housing & Care 21

Driving culture change at Housing & Care 21 Housing & Care 21 are the UK’s largest non-profit care provider and a national leader in providing innovative, affordable housing for older people. Their strong belief that later life should be happy and fulfilling, has lead to them supporting over 28,000 people across the UK with essential […]

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The Management Centre

5 Tips for Staying Productive

How do you stay productive when you have lots and lots of different streams of work coming at you at the same time? We asked =mc’s Marketing Manager, Anna Esslemont. Anna often has to manage many different streams and types of work at once, but she keeps her cool. Here are her top five tips […]

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