Managing a team and maintaining – or even upgrading – their performance is a big, time consuming job, however experienced you are. Supervision sessions, coaching, advice, support all take up big chunks of your time – time away from your ‘own’ work. So the question is, how can you maximise the positive impact you have […]
Read moreBeing a manager means taking on more responsibilities and also letting go of others. However, as much as we know delegation is a good thing – we still struggle to do it well. Delegation provides your team with learning opportunities, development projects, balances workload and gives room for new insights. As a manager though you […]
Read moreVanessa specialises in management development, personal effectiveness and project management. Vanessa spent years working in the creative and non-profit sector – often concurrently as part of a portfolio career. Before joining =mc, she specialised in digital marketing and communications. She has coordinated digital campaigns with a nationwide and international reach, in addition to grassroots community […]
Read more=mc Director Laura Slater blogs on the benefits of using the ‘coach approach’ with your teams. Here at =mc we know that stepping into leadership is a big deal. As you become more senior in an organisation, an exciting aspect of moving up is being able to actually set the direction for your team or department – […]
Read moreBeing assertive at work can be really hard, and this is something many people struggle with. Our insecurities, perceived weaknesses, motivations and goals can all stop us from being assertive when we need to be. In this article, Charlotte Scott explains why we need assertiveness, what it actually is, and how to be assertive. Why […]
Read moreIn this blog, Director, Laura Slater looks at common problems with projects, and gives an overview of =mc’s approach to Project Rationale. =mc’s Systems Model outlines 3 elements in getting your project rationale right. They are: Driver: what triggered this project? Why was it initiated? Was this in response to a need (various departments need […]
Read moreI find it really hard to say no to colleagues’ requests – never mind my manager – and I feel like I’m drowning at times. Help! Ah, yes – you’re not alone. One of the biggest challenges participants talk about on our management training courses is ‘I just don’t know how to say no.’ Like […]
Read morePetia specialises in leadership, management and project management. She has over 16 years of experience working in the non-profit, arts & culture, higher education and social enterprise sectors. Petia is passionate about facilitating powerful and inclusive learning experiences that transform people and organisations. As an ILM accredited coach she has worked on developing 100’s of […]
Read moreIn this blog, =mc Director Charlotte Scott shares practical advice on how to motivate your teams. I want my team to feel motivated in their roles – what can I do? It’s generally agreed that motivation is a good thing – and a topic all managers think about at some point. Motivated staff perform their […]
Read moreIn this blog =mc Director Yvette Gyles looks at 7 key questions to help you work out how best to manage behaviour at work. As a manager, one of the most difficult things to deal with is managing ‘challenging’ behaviour, whether it’s because you don’t have a good personal connection with that person, or they’re […]
Read moreLeonard specialises in management development, communications skills and personal effectiveness. Leonard has more than 10 years’ experience in training, operations, people, and project management in the public sector in Singapore. Before joining =mc, he was a senior naval officer, specialising in training teams for operational effectiveness. My areas of expertise Management development Personal effectiveness Project […]
Read more=mc Director and L&D specialist Yvette Gyles blogs on the pros and cons of appraisals… Many of us have had to adapt to changes to hybrid or home working in the last couple of years. Whether it’s affected you directly or indirectly, our working patterns and processes have been disrupted. Add to that an increasingly […]
Read moreI’m a resolution failure. It is highly likely you have already broken your new years resolution, along with almost everyone else. And it seems to me (admittedly from chats and straw polls, this isn’t science) that almost every year resolutions tend to be about mind, body, and not drinking the good stuff. Maybe because we make these promises […]
Read moreComing back to work after a Summer break can be hard. And whether or not you’ve been away, the effects of the days getting shorter and nights getting longer can leave you feeling drained. Do you feel like you aren’t working at full power? Then take these two steps to boost your energy… 1. Get […]
Read more7 Common problems for emerging managers – and how to overcome them Stepping into management is fantastic – sort of. A huge achievement and a massive career change, yes – but which for most of us is also pretty daunting. You’ll find plenty of blogs and articles online to help with the change, but where […]
Read moreEnabling collaboration through a common approach to project management The University of Reading is ranked in the top 1% of universities worldwide with 17,000 students from 150 countries. It is famous for its research in business, agriculture and meteorology. Introduction In 2008 the Henley Management College became part of the University of Reading, in a […]
Read moreWhat’s the Big Idea? If you want to have a good relationship with your colleagues, managers and leaders at work, the best thing to do is to perform your job well. But there will be times when you need to actively influence someone – to get help or resources, to get buy-in for your ideas, […]
Read moreHelp! I need to manage my stakeholders and I don’t know where to start. As a project manager it’s important to know and understand who your stakeholders are and how to manage your relationships with them. People can make or break a project so handling your stakeholders well is essential. At =mc we define stakeholders […]
Read moreJennie specialises in Managing Performance, Wellbeing & Resilience and Management Development. She is an experienced Senior Manager, and has worked with vulnerable people for over 25 years in Housing, Youth and Education sectors. My areas of expertise: Managing Managers Building resilient teams Personal Effectiveness At the moment I am really enjoying working with the =mc […]
Read moreRachel specialises in management development and personal effectiveness. Rachel has over 10 years’ experience in the charity sector. Before joining =mc, she specialised in direct marketing and was a Senior Project Manager at the British Red Cross managing fundraising campaigns, alongside supporting and developing the team. My areas of expertise Management development Personal effectiveness Project […]
Read moreCity St George’s, University of London (City) is a global University committed to academic excellence with a focus on business and the professions, and an enviable central London location. The University is in the unique position of having special links with the City of London and attracting around 20,000 students (over 40% at postgraduate level) from […]
Read moreHow to ensure people learn, develop and feel invested in – no matter how small your training budget is. This time last year the CIPD released their latest learning report[1], and whilst not entirely surprising, it highlighted that charities and non-profit organisations have very tight training budgets. The Covid-19 pandemic has meant shifting resource and […]
Read moreAccelerate learning to help your team through the challenges Lockdown may be easing here in the UK, but things are going to be tough for a while for charities and non-profits. Some organisations have restructured their teams and services to meet emerging and emergency needs. Some people are returning from a period of furlough, into […]
Read moreIt is a universal truth that during our working lives, we will not always agree with our colleagues. There are always going to be times when we need to have difficult conversations or overcome tricky differences. Here is an example: Recently I had a catch up meeting for a project I’m working on. There was […]
Read moreMoving into your first role as a new manager is a big deal. In fact, it’s probably the biggest step you can take in your career. Once you’re on the management ladder, climbing it gets easier with time and practice. But the first step is fraught with challenges and difficulty. With so much change happening […]
Read moreIn this blog, =mc Director Charlotte Scott asks leaders to take a look under the rock… Leaders who want to do the very best for their team and organisation tend to have some awareness of their impact on their teams already. Especially in the charity, social and public sectors. We like to think that we […]
Read moreLeadership in fundraising organisations Leadership. It’s a big word and covers so many things. And it feels like the very notion of leadership is changing, morphing and growing. Being a charity leader means much more than simply being the boss, holding a senior position in an organisation, and calling all the shots. And there are […]
Read moreIt’s an interesting and challenging time in the world of Fundraising. Never before has there been such intense scrutiny on equality, fairness and safeguarding. In the wake of the #metoo movement people are speaking up and asserting their rights. Diversity is being recognised for its importance. However, making yourself heard and recognised is not always […]
Read moreIn this blog, =mc Director Yvette Gyles shares the secrets of leading without knowing everything. Recently, I have been running a lot of training programmes for Future Leaders. These are experienced managers or experts, looking to develop their leadership capability. Sometimes they have people management responsibility, and sometimes they need to lead people through influence […]
Read moreOver the course of my career I have been very fortunate to have support from some brilliant people. I genuinely would not be where I am today without the input, insight and inspiration from my mentors – and indeed, my mentees. A mentor can be defined as simply as ‘an experienced and trusted advisor’. But […]
Read moreInvesting in developing your team or your whole organisation is a bold commitment. Choose the right training and it can help you improve productivity, achieve more goals and make a lasting difference to working life. Get it wrong and you’ve invested money from the shrinking (or non-existent) L&D budget and simply opened a can of […]
Read moreI’ve been working with managers and leaders in public sector organisations for some time now. It’s still a bleak picture for many: a lack of central funding and increasing demand means crucial services are under more and more pressure. In nearly every programme I’ve delivered I have been asked to help managers with leading their […]
Read moreWorking in local government has never been so tough. The economic, political and social context means more and more services are feeling the strain. The outlook is a bit on the bleak side, with damning reports from the UN on UK austerity highlighting a disconnect between policy and reality. For many leaders of councils, this […]
Read moreHow many times have you felt the stirring ambition to learn a new skill, get better at something, change your habits or behaviours? You enthusiastically book yourself on the next course that promises to give you all the new-fangled knowledge, skills and abilities that you desire. Or perhaps you order that new self-help book from […]
Read moreThe festive season is upon us and the annual question of gifting etiquette looms ever present. Work colleagues – do you give or not give? How much should you spend? Are you going with silly or serious? Is it appropriate? Phew. What a minefield. So what can you give that won’t cost you a penny […]
Read moreWalk down any UK high street in the last three months of the year and you will be bombarded with seasonal offers, treats, ideas and temptations. And one thing that always stands out in the shop windows is the vast amount of glittery dresses and sequined jumpers. It is the party season! Office parties, team […]
Read moreFor your final =mc insight of the year, we sought advice from the leader of one of the biggest enterprises globally. Among other things, this inspirational figure is responsible for running a worldwide manufacturing and distribution service as well as maintaining a large and demanding supporter base. He manages a team of thousands – often […]
Read moreWhen organisations are experiencing change, we’re often called upon to help smooth the transition using various tools, techniques and training programmes to address the challenges. So you’d think that now things are changing here at =mc, we must be excited, full of beans and finding it all plain sailing, right? Not exactly. Just because we […]
Read moreIf the answer is nothing, then be warned… I had the honour of convening a panel discussion about Women in Fundraising at this year’s IoF Fundraising Convention (#IOFFC). I was both shocked and inspired by the debate. The panel was honest, the audience was forthcoming, and the discussion produced very useful suggestions. What fascinates me […]
Read moreIt’s well recognised that project management is an essential skill for all of us these days – even outside work. Inside work, there is the added dimension of project governance – who sets the parameters for any project and who’s ultimately accountable – and this usually falls to a senior manager. This person will often […]
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